We have wrestling classes for every level of wrestler from beginner to advanced.
Wrestling Fundamentals
The Fundamentals class is designed for novice wrestlers, aged 5 to 10, with 0 to 2 seasons of experience, to lay a strong foundation of fundamental skills (Older beginners may start in the Advanced practices). These lessons are designed to boost wrestlers’ self-esteem, make them fall in love with the sport, and prepare them for the advanced lessons.
This class aims to teach wrestlers stance, motion, hand fighting, leg attacks, and shot defense from the neutral position. We also aim to teach wrestlers fundamental top and bottom referee’s position moves.
The Advanced class is designed for wrestlers with at least two years of experience, aged 10 and up. We build on the foundation of a wrestler’s offense and prepare them for middle school and high school wrestling. There is some strength and conditioning involved and encourage year-round competition.
This class aims to add to the basic setups and add counters, reshots, scrambles, and troubleshoot flaws exposed during competition. We start to build an individual wrestler’s chain wrestling techniques.
The Elite class is the highest level we offer for group practices. These practices are designed to prepare wrestlers to compete in national circuit events and to wrestle in college. Current college athletes and the instructors are welcome to attend. This class is offered by invitation only.